Sunday, April 6, 2008

WoW Detox

I thought I would make a post purely devoted to this site - This is a site people post there stories of WoW addiction on. It is fairly interesting to read about how these people have destroyed or just saved aspects of their lives by quitting. There are also stories of people how can stop and want a way out. I encourage anyone reading this to follow the link and read a few of these peoples stories, as it will give you a far greater perspective on what I've been talking about for the past few weeks.

These people that are posting here have taken the first step to quitting, they have admitted there is a problem, most people wont even do that. It sounds silly to say really, " I'm addicted to a computer game." I don't really no how much a site like this helps people considering there are 27670 posts today and currently 10 million people playing the game. That's not to say that everyone who plays is addicted, in fact its quite the opposite. What is true is the fact that many people are addicted, don't realize it and need help. At least this is a step in the right direction.

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